Thursday, May 24, 2012

Last Post!


          This will be my last post about the Therizinosaurus (Thair-uh-ZEEN-uh-sawr-us). The first fossil of the Therizinosaurus was found in 1948 by a Soviet-Mongolian fossil expedition. When it was first named they thought it was a large, diving turtle-like reptile. They thought it used its long claws to get sea weed. Eventually, in 1970 other scientists figured out it belonged to the Therizinosaur family instead.
           Only 3 fossils of Therizinosaurus have been found.  None of the fossils found have a skull and all are incomplete.  Scientists can only guess what it looked like based on what they found and from other dinosaurs in the same family. Because it was part of the Therizinosaur family, they assume it had a long neck and a small head.  Scientists think it had feathers along its back and tail. It had a big broad bird-like pelvis.  It was bipedal and had two hind limbs with 4 toes. The forelimbs were about 8 feet long.
          Scientists believe it may have used its massive, meter long claws to bring leaves down from trees into its mouth. But nobody knows for sure. Some scientists think it used them to fight for territory, mating ground, defense, or to strip bark from trees. Its finger bones were longer than any other animal in history. Therizinosaurus is the largest dinosaur in the Therizinosaur family.



Monday, May 21, 2012

Habitat of Therizinosaurus

Cold blooded animals don't use their own energy to warm them selves and stay warm. Warm blooded animals warm themselves from energy from their food, so they need to eat more than cold blooded animals. Birds and mammals are the only two warm blooded groups. Fish, reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates are all cold blooded.  Many cold blooded animals have to keep up their temperature by basking in the sun or living in a warm enough climate. Many cold blooded animals hibernate during cold winters.
         Therizinosaurus lived in the Gobi Desert in south western Mongolia and north western China. During the Cretaceous period the Gobi desert was very sandy and dry. The facts aren't set in stone because Therizinosaur was so rare but it is thought that the Therizinosaur lived in small herds or family groups.
Picture of what the Gobi Desert looks like now

I used the following sources:

Friday, May 18, 2012

What Therizinosaurus eats

There are three main groups in which animal's diets are classified. 
The first one is Carnivore. Animals that are classified by this eat only meat.
Herbivore's consume only plants.
Omnivore's consume both plants and meat. 

Therizinosaurus's diet is unknown. Some scientists believe it used its massive claws to rip open termite nests, making it an insectivore. Some scientists believe it ate plants and some think it used its claws to kill other dinosaurs. All the they could all be correct, making it an omnivore. Nobody knows exactly how much Therizinosaurus ate per day, probably a lot, given it weighed up to six tons. It's possible that Therizinosaurus hunted for meat, scavenged for termites and foraged for plants.

Picture was taken from


That's all

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Aboot Therizinosaurus

The Therizinosaurus,

 Therizinosaurus's diet is unknown. Some scientist think it used its long claws to rip open termite nests, making him an insectivore ( an animal that eats insects). Many scientists think it was an herbivore. Therizinosaurus is you roughly 23 feet long ten feet tall and weighs roughly 3 tons.  Fossils of Therizinosaurus were found in The Gobi Desert in South Western Mongolia. It lived in the late cretaceous period, about 69-77 million years ago. 

This image was taken from
This image was taken from

That's it for now,

Friday, May 11, 2012


Hello people! I am Micah and I love dinosaurs! On this blog I will be talking about the Therisinosaurus. Therisinosaurus means the reaping Lizard. Therizo means to reap or to cut off and sauros means lizard.

