This will be my last post about the Therizinosaurus (Thair-uh-ZEEN-uh-sawr-us). The first fossil of the Therizinosaurus was found in 1948 by a Soviet-Mongolian fossil expedition. When it was first named they thought it was a large, diving turtle-like reptile. They thought it used its long claws to get sea weed. Eventually, in 1970 other scientists figured out it belonged to the Therizinosaur family instead.
Only 3 fossils of Therizinosaurus have been found. None of the fossils found have a skull and all are incomplete. Scientists can only guess what it looked like based on what they found and from other dinosaurs in the same family. Because it was part of the Therizinosaur family, they assume it had a long neck and a small head. Scientists think it had feathers along its back and tail. It had a big broad bird-like pelvis. It was bipedal and had two hind limbs with 4 toes. The forelimbs were about 8 feet long.
Scientists believe it may have used its massive, meter long claws to bring leaves down from trees into its mouth. But nobody knows for sure. Some scientists think it used them to fight for territory, mating ground, defense, or to strip bark from trees. Its finger bones were longer than any other animal in history. Therizinosaurus is the largest dinosaur in the Therizinosaur family.